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IconBRUSH01.gif (1194 bytes)Edisi 27 Mei 2001

Dari Redaksi

Rekan-rekan Alumni,
Gembire kita bertemu lagi. Redaksi menyiapkan kliping dari beberapa situs yang menarik, termasuk situs NEIC ,mengenai masalah gempa bumi. Tulisan redaksi pada kolom Gempa Bumi di buat sebelum terjadinya gempa di Jawa Tengah pada hari Jum'at pekan ini. Ternyata, data gempa tsb dalam hitungan menit telah muncul di situs ybs. Film pekan ini Pearl Harbor merupakan karya spektakuler mennngenai sejarah awal keterlibatan Amerika dalam PD 2.Selamat berakhir pekan.

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Dibawah ini kami sajikan kliping dari karya arsitektur di Amerika Serikat abad ke 17.


Humble Garden Heroes

The average toad will eat 50-100 insects every night - that's 10,000 to 20,000 insects throughout a gardening season. They will help eliminate garden pests such as flies, grubs, slugs, cutworms, grasshoppers, and anything else they are fast enough to catch. You can encourage toads to take up residence in your garden by providing shelter and water, and by using gentle pesticides that won't hurt your warty allies.

Toads prefer homes that are humid and out of the wind. You can build a toad residence by digging a shallow depression in the soil and covering it with a board. Don't forget to leave a door! A birdbath at ground level would provide just the right amount of water for your toads' daily needs, but if you would like to see them raise a family in your garden, consider adding a water garden or small pond. Once they move in, they will stay for years, so the small effort required to attract them will pay off many times over

fAMoUs qUOtes

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. 
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955

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Arsip Cyber Clips


Pearl Harbor
Touchstone Pictures
Jerry Bruckheimer Films
Release Date: May 25, 2001
MPAA rating: 'PG-13' for
sustained intense war sequences, images of wounded,
brief sensuality and some language

Yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.
-- President Franklin D. Roosevelt's
War Message to Congress
[December 8, 1941]

On a sleepy Sunday morning in December, as children played and families prayed, squadrons of Japanese warplanes screamed across the skies of a Hawaiian paradise and launched a surprise attack on the U.S. armed forces at Pearl Harbor. The infamous day that jolted America from peaceful isolationism to total war and altered the course of world history is relived in this epic tale of patriotism, passion and romance from producer Jerry Bruckheimer, producer/director Michael Bay and screenwriter Randall Wallace.

"Pearl Harbor" focuses on the life-changing events surrounding December 7, 1941, and the war's devastating impact on two daring young pilots (Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett) and a beautiful, dedicated nurse (Kate Beckinsale). It is a tale of catastrophic defeat, heroic victory, personal courage and overwhelming love set against a stunning backdrop of spectacular wartime action

The Main Cast

Rafe.............................  BEN AFFLECK
Danny Walker..........  JOSH HARTNETT
Evelyn Johnson..... KATE BECKINSALE
Doris "Dorie" Mille. CUBA GOODING JR.
Earl........................... TOM SIZEMORE
President Roosevelt........ JON VOIGHT
Admiral Kimmel............. COLM FEORE
Col.James H. Doolittle.ALEC BALDWIN





Tahukah anda bahwa pada tanggal 23 Mei 2001 telah terjadi gempa di 4 lokasi dengan kekuatan antara 4,1 hingga 5,3 skala Richter, tanggal 22 Mei 2001 sebanyak 5 kali dan 21 Mei 2001 sebanyak 11 kali ?  NEIC - NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE INFORMATION SYSTEM   melakukan pencatatan dan mengumumkan  hampir secara real-time semua gempa yang terjadi di seluruh dunia

The National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC), was established in Rockville, Maryland, in 1966 as part of the National Ocean Survey of the Department of Commerce. The Coast and Geodetic Survey, a forerunner of the National Ocean Survey, had coordinated the collection of seismological data in the United States for many years. The NEIC was transferred to Boulder, Colorado, in 1972 and made part of the U.S. Geological Survey in 1973. The NEIC was moved again in 1974 to its present location in Golden, Colorado.

Foto gempa San Francisco 1902

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